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Our unique approach to commissioning means you're in charge of what we make. It means we're focused on what matters to you, not advertisers or other outside pressures.

QueerAF members include the likes of senior media professionals, queer business owners, and LGBTQIA+ community leaders.

But really they're just a bunch of queer folk who care about our community and how we're portrayed and misrepresented in the media. Do you?

Because our members not only fund our journalism - they also choose what we create.

Vicki wanted her funds to go to pansexual writers. So we commissioned pansexual writer Paisley Gilmour to write about queer joy on TV.

The Great Pottery Throw Down is the most radical queer show on TV (don’t @ me)
Allowing viewers from all walks of life to see a non-binary person thriving β€” is queer, radical and vital (we love to see it)

Char, Rae and Jaron wanted more content from racialised and marginalised communities, so we commissioned, asexual writers Yasmin Benoit and Caroline Elisabeth Cull, plus intersex campaigner Anick Soni.

Was Marilyn Monroe asexual? Her autobiography is revealing
We can’t give Monroe a posthumous label, but my personal experience overlaps with hers - and it’s overwhelming.

Adrian wanted more content about different LGBTQIA+ cultures, sports in particular, and so we commissioned Arthur Webber to write about LGBTQIA+ people in sports (multiple times).

What the Premier League can learn from Arsenal’s trans inclusivity
I grew up living less than an hour from the Emirates Stadium. So why did it take until age 23 to go to my first game?

They're all subjects that weren't guaranteed to drive clicks. That the mainstream media barely cover. But they all counted.

These member-chosen topics, were also in our top ten most-read pieces for the first half of 2022.

We trusted our writer's lived experiences to guide their work. And you, the community - our most valuable editor - directly commissioned them. Who needs gatekeepers, eh?

It's different, we know.

We live in a saturated world of doom scrolling and constant media. Online, digital, mobile, it bombards us wherever we are. But it doesn’t reflect us.

For too long, the media has been driven by short-term, revenue-led incentives. The diversity of those who write our stories has barely changed.

Journalists chase divisive content options to deliver for adverts, not the audience - and misrepresent us along the way. The situation is getting worse, and it needs a new approach.

QueerAF is going to revolutionise how LGBTQIA+ voices are heard and flourish. It's why our community-led platform's editorial decisions are in your hands, not advertisers.

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