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Understand the LGBTQIA+ news: Scotland Hate Crime law, NHS Hormone decision, Detransitioners

Understand the LGBTQIA+ news: Scotland Hate Crime law, NHS Hormone decision, Detransitioners


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Understand the LGBTQIA+ headlines and keep track of the latest queer content and perspectives.

QueerAF is written by Jamie Wareham, and another queer creative each week.

πŸ’¬ This week:

  • Scotland. A new and comprehensive hate crime law has been the centre of a fear campaign and a great deal of misinformation. We explore what it will actually do.
  • NHS England. The Cass Review's final findings are expected in a few weeks, but another announcement about provisions for Transgender teens has been made - we explain what’s going on.
  • Detrans. In this week's Queer Gaze, transgender journalist Mizy Clifton speaks to detrans creator Lucy about the misconceptions around those who detransition.

Skip the doomscrolling and support queer creatives instead. We are QueerAF – and so are you.

The only people afraid of Scotland's new Hate Crime law are people who "stir up hatred"

TL;DR: New hate crime legislation in Scotland, due to come into force on April 1st, will make it an offence to stir up hatred on grounds of sexual orientation, transgender identity, age or disability. The majority of people and media against it, are well - voices who stir up hatred.