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Understand the LGBTQIA+ news: Queer worries, Advertiser action, #ApologiseNow and more

Understand the LGBTQIA+ news: Queer worries, Advertiser action, #ApologiseNow and more

Jamie Wareham
QueerAF, Jamie Wareham

Table of Contents

πŸ’¬ This week:

  • We should talk. Pride month is a bizarre queer news desert. The QueerAF community has some suggestions for the rest of the media on what they should write about.
  • Adverts. We don't have them because they influence the media to tell stories that drive clicks. But in a landmark move, a new pledge could see brands help shift media reporting of our lives.
  • Trans People Are Loved. Love is a powerful and universal value. Liz Ridgeway talks about why it's at the centre of a new campaign from some of the team behind #LwiththeT

Skip the doom scrolling and support queer creatives instead. We are QueerAF – and so are you.

Pride Month: What the media should really be talking about

TL;DR: It should be the busiest 'queer news' month but June never is. Why? Because a lot of the media largely reguritates what we talk about all year round for the benefit of straight folk. So we asked you what your biggest fears and worries were, alongside what stories and content we (and the rest of the media) should be telling. It will have a year round impact.