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Understand the LGBTQIA+ news: Nashville, Paul O'Grady, and Rosie Duffield

Understand the LGBTQIA+ news: Nashville, Paul O'Grady, and Rosie Duffield

Matilda Davies
QueerAF, Matilda Davies

Table of Contents

Every Saturday, QueerAF helps you understand the queer headlines and stay on top of the latest LGBTQIA+ content - all while we support queer creatives. This week, it's written by Matilda Davies, Jamie Wareham brings us the top story, and another queer creative as usual.

💬 This week:

  • Nashville. Is there a link between trans people and mass shootings? Or are right-wing pundits clutching at straws?
  • Lily Savage. Comedy legend Paul O’Grady died this week, and queer people across the UK are remembering his legacy
  • Queer voices. There are fewer and fewer LGBTQIA+ focused journalists, and we need to change that to ensure our stories are heard, Gary Nunn writes

Skip the doom scrolling and support queer creatives instead. We are QueerAFand so are you.

Nashville: Right-wing media linking trans people and mass shootings rely on hysteria

TL;DR: Despite only 2% of mass shootings being perpetrated by trans people in the last 40 years, right wing pundits have been using the Nashville school shooting to try and suggest it was an act of 'trans terrorism'.