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Understand the LGBTQIA+ news: Dan Wootton, Schools Guidance, Italy restricts queer parental rights

Understand the LGBTQIA+ news: Dan Wootton, Schools Guidance, Italy restricts queer parental rights

Jamie Wareham
Jamie Wareham, QueerAF

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Understand the LGBTQIA+ headlines and keep track of the latest queer content and perspectives. QueerAF is written by Jamie Wareham and another queer creative each week.

💬 This week:

  • Dan Wootton. After years of publicly haranguing colleagues, celebrities and public figures - the broadcaster is now in the spotlight facing serious allegations of abuse, bullying and harassment
  • Italy. Reactions to the state removing same-sex couples from their children's birth certificates are just the latest evidence that anti-trans voices are after all of us. We explain.
  • Schools Guidance. It's been delayed to try and make it more punitive against trans children. We have a TL;DR on the latest news, and former trans teacher Dee Whitnell explains its potential impact in the Queer Gaze.

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Dan Wootton allegations: Abuse, bullying and harassment

TLDR: The infamous columnist, pundit and now broadcaster is facing serious allegations of abuse, bullying and posing as a fictitious celebrity agent to acquire sexually explicit images. He denies any allegations of “criminality” but hasn't directly addressed the claims against him.