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"Culture War", Disney's Trans Heir, Owen Jones, Crispin Blunt and other LGBTQIA+ stories this week

"Culture War", Disney's Trans Heir, Owen Jones, Crispin Blunt and other LGBTQIA+ stories this week


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Every Saturday QueerAF sends you a TL;DR of the queer world, bursting with LGBTQIA+ content - all while we support queer creatives. It's written by me, Jamie Wareham, and a different queer creative each week.

πŸ’¬ This week:

  • Losing a culture war. The Government is fighting against popular opinion - and tolerance for trans people. But could that change?
  • Netflix saves Disney queers. A bunch of cool upcoming queer dramas coming out in the next few weeks from Netflix.
  • The clinic holds my life in its hand. This week's Queer Gaze connects the extortionate wait for trans healthcare to the emotional weight it creates.

Skip the doom scrolling. Let us work out the queer world for you. We are QueerAF – and so are you.

LGBTQIA+ people are still facing life-or-death decisions in Ukraine. We're resting 'Live Laugh Love' and have a section about queer Ukrainian lives instead.
Want to take a look at this? You can! This is from our free weekly newsletter, just pop your email in to catch up and read the most recent edition for free now. PS... 'Early Adopter', and '100% QueerAF' members also get early access and unlock the whole archive too.

πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ Losing the so-called "culture war"

In this top story: Analysis of the culture war, a summary of new Government measures announced this week and how to win the 'culture war'

TL;DR: The Government's been trying to stoke a so called "culture war" for sometime, but polling suggests it's been unsuccessful - so far. To keep public opinion on trans people's sides we need to focus on the story that does need to be told, and not get drawn into divide and distract techniques.

Boris Johnson's government is in troubled waters.

Many of us still find it remarkable that he was able to come back from the brink of the first set of 'party gate' scandals. And now he's the first serving Prime Minister to be punished for breaking the law.

With more revelations to come, the pundits are asking: will he survive?

It’s not surprising that a conveniently-timed slew of populist measures was announced this week. It’s a tactic this government has used many times now.